Astronomy Light Pollution The cover image is showing a piece of the night sky containing the Andromeda Galaxy. Andromeda is supposed to be visible with the naked eye.
Coding Data visualization Why I Don't Vote Wolfram Mathematica is an amazing software that I love using, but the choice to use it for any meaningful application is difficult to justify due to its cost and licence.
Blog Nobody Reads Shit Watched an H3 podcast episode yesterday and they were commenting on how YouTube is announcing policy changes on a blog instead of via video.
Coding CVS merge in Eclipse Ever so often a need for merging CVS branches arises and since the task can be a bit touchy, writing down some basic concepts seems like a good idea.
Android Kako napraviti svoj build LZS android aplikacije Dobio sam nekoliko mailova od ljudi koji su pokušali sami napraviti build aplikacije prema uputama na wiki stranicama te naišli na probleme.
Android KDM i Grub stavke kod restarta Za ljude koji imaju više stavki na GRUB izborniku i često ih koriste.
Android Android 4.2 developer options Nedavno sam ulovio vremena da na svoj Galaxy S mudrofon konačno stavim Android 4.2.1 i to kao CM 10.1 M.Stvar radi savšeno i za sad nisam naišao na probleme u svakodnevnom korištenju.
Raspberrypi Raspberry Pi - prvi dojmovi Raspberry Pi (u daljnjem tekstu RPi) je stigao. Malo računalo u maloj kutiji.